In short, 2023 kicked my ass.
On a personal level, I had a few different energies swirling around me that contributed to the frustration and feeling overwhelmed all of 2023. Numerology First off, in terms of numerology, I was in a 4 year. The traditions of numerology teach that we all go through 9 year cycles, and by year 4 it is said you know what you want, but you pause to review all things in your life to ensure you have safety, security and a strong sense of structure, before continuing to move forward. Well let me tell you, as a Sagittarius Sun, I hate structure. I hate routine and I hate being forced into anything. Turns out, the energies don't care what I like, they do what is best to support my highest good. So all year, this Mystic was brought out of spirit and down to earth to deal with money, housing, kids, schooling and relationships. I dealt with racism and violence towards my children. I had broken vehicles which then led to nightmare interactions with mechanics. I also discovered cracks in my home foundation, went through health scares with my aging parents, and financially the whole year was a mess as we had to look into renewing our mortgage and reviewing our debts. Astrology Next up the world of astrology kicked my butt. It is said that in our late 30s and early 40s, we go through a series of 4 astrological events - the midlife transits — hit, potentially turning your world upside down in an effort to promote growth and change. Lucky me, I went through 2 of them in 2023, one lasting most of the year. Let me tell you, when Uranus, the planet of Great Awakening opposes the spot it was in when you were born, it forces change. This transit's all about exploring your need for more authenticity, freedom, individuality, your voice — all in an effort, to get clear on your path, your purpose, and spur positive growth. The pressure was real in 2023! Menopause Next up and my least favourite, lovely menopause decided to show herself this year. Suddenly, with no warning, I started having trouble sleeping soundly and started to wake up each morning completely soaked through. A few weeks of that and my period arrived a full week early. Ta Da! Make room for Menopause! Look I know it's something we all go through, but seriously? I feel like I've just gotten some independence and structure back now that my kids are almost teens, but of course nature throws me a spin and decides it's best I move through these next few years without good sleeps, yet with lots of hot flashes and unpredictable mood swings. Thanks for that. My family thanks you too. Boundaries All year I was shown areas I needed to focus on to create structure and safety to support myself, but I guess I wasn't listening in terms of my own health, because by December, I found myself in the ER with a heart rate just above 140. The pain was intense and breathing was difficult. I had to cancel clients, pull out of events and simply rest. As I did so, I realized that I had opened my business practice up so wide, that I no longer maintained any boundaries. I wasn't working smart or safe. I was making myself sick. I started paying close attention to my body and found out that each time I do a reading, so each time I go into Spirit, I get a fever. Sometimes it's very slight of only a degree or two, but I have done readings where I've gone up to 102 degrees. It does come down minutes after but I realized it's something I have to take into account when I am driving around and working long hours. I also had to face the fact that entering the homes of strangers was not safe and it was completely draining me. In one home, I was doing reading for a bachelorette party, a lady fell in the bathroom hitting her head. Because everyone else was inebriated, I held the lady, with her blood on me, I watched as her eyes rolled back in her head. Thankfully she is still with us, but my goodness, when things like that happen, you have to think. The conclusion I've reached, I must do readings in my own safe space. So until I have an office in town, I will only do readings virtually and over the phone. 2023 was a year I won't soon forget. A year of being pushed to face situations I didn't want to handle. A year of being brought problems I didn't think I could find solutions for. A year of feeling overwhelmed and alone. But... big picture, for us all as a collective, 2023 was about opening up to new possibilities. This past year I most definitely started to look at various arrangements and structures that I had never thought to look at before and I bet you did too. Of course with me, the focus was on my security, and yours may have been different but in the end, 2023 showed us what a mess things are. In 2023, the truth begin to surface. Reality is showing herself around every corner now and in 2023 you were asked to hold your head high, pay attention and start to open yourself to new possibilities. Because in 2024 those possibilities will begin to show themselves and each of us will have to adapt. The Age of Aquarius is here. . . #2023 #goodbye #unhealthy #safety #numerology #astrology #mystic #medium #psychic #menopause #personal #violence #racism #community #protection #boundaries #2024 #safespace #reality #manifestation #adaptation #truth #awake #leadwithlove #committoyourself #villagemystic
With just three more weeks left in this Solar year, I'm feeling the purge very strongly. I am feeling it within my body, mind and heart, and I'm feeling the same frequencies in the energies of my clients. We are ready to plant in and grow. We are ready for action and being stuck in our heads has been a difficult go.
Next month, in March, I feel a tremendous shift. I feel our collective energies RUN, run with so much hope and possibility. We come out of our caves in March and we're ready to action everything. I keep telling clients that it has not been time to action things yet. To be kind on themselves because next month, through to the fall we will not slow down our pace. And I keep assuring them that what they have in their heads, they can make a reality, but they can't action yet because they haven't seen the full set of cards they will play with. March 2023 and through to May, you will be handed each of your cards. In June you will see the cards the rest of the world plays with. We will then spend the rest of the year adapting or playing. When I feel the energies of Spring 2023 I feel movement, I feel possibility and I feel a great adaptation begin. No one is sitting still, we are all in movement this spring, but until that point, we are still lightening the load we carry. For me personally, Pisces season is usually uncomfortable. Not a single planet at the time of my birth was in the stars of Pisces, so having to swim in my emotions and purge the last of 2022, is not fun. My Sagittarius self rather burn things up and be done with it. Plus I see the opportunities coming, I see the choices we've all made as a collective and those that I have made for myself, and those choices are soon going to bring on great change. So for me, it is difficult to sit in the now, to sit in the moment. But THE moment has great purpose. I remind myself, one step at a time Sarah... one step at a time... So I asked myself, am I ready for the change? And if I'm honest with myself, I'm not. I am exhausted. This cannot continue, it is not healthy or safe so at this point, with three weeks left in the energies of the last year, I am going to pull myself in to refill. As always that begins with my physical self, sleep stretching, and proper foods. Because if I comfort my body, what lives inside will feel comforted too. And I will not analyze or judge myself when I comfort my body. I will not put myself down. For three weeks I will show myself grace and I will prepare for the change. . . #change #shift #transitions #pisces #swim #adapt #movement #mentalhealth #rest #refill #grace #holdthevision #dream #still #allow #leadwithlove #bekindtoyourself #stopthemeantalk #endofyear #newyear #solaryear #2023 #zodiac #solaryear #choices #change #rooting #growth #ownyourenergy #VILLAGEMYSTIC |