Father Sun has been quite active in the skies above for months. Although he has just entered a new 11 year cycle, and historically this means a cooler Sun, he has been shooting off Solar Flares every single day since Dec 11, 2021. This matters. When we look to Astrology, the Sun is our primary influence. It shapes our personalities, our behaviours and our motivations. In regards to Science, low-frequency magnetic fields induce circulating currents within the human body. The strength of these currents depends on the intensity of the outside magnetic field, and well Father Sun has been playing with that for months. No not every Solar Flare (eruption of electromagnetic radiation) has hit earth, and no not every flare has been strong, but the activity has been intense and consistent and may be playing havoc on your body. Last week we had Solar Storms hit earth and impact radio communication. Just yesterday we had several holes open up on the Sun, aiming directly at earth. Now we wait to see what comes out of the holes and just how strong the radiation will be. So if your body has been tired, your mood sluggish, your motivation missing and your personality just off, you are not alone. My suggestion while Father Sun shakes our energetic bodies... link into Mother Earth allow her energy to hold you, support you and fill you with calm. #solarflares #fathersun #motherearth #moods #body #energy #support #leadwithlove #changes #upgrades #medium #psychic #science #quantum #galacticweather #magneticwaves #theeffect #villagemystic
Care to know what the astrological weathers are calling for? B A L A N C E Between pleasure and heartache. Between right and wrong. Between freedoms and restraints. Between head and heart. Over the next two days, both the New Moon and Sun will dance in the stars of the fish, in Pisces. See both fish. See the realities we live in and see the hopes for our future. Feel your emotions and listen to the chatter in your head. Duality is everywhere right now. Pisces is the final sign of the Zodiac, meaning in terms of Western Astrology, we are currently at the end of a cycle and find ourselves in a time of endings and transformations. We are at the end of the road in terms of the energies that have been playing out in recent years. End of the road and ready to cross the bridge and into the new. While in the stars of Pisces you are asked to become aware of the duality in your life. And become aware of what you want vs. where you actually are. And then next, you will be supported and pushed to action things. To begin the walk across that bridge and into your future manifestations. Welcome to Spring 2022! Over the next two months, ALL planets will be moving forward. No retrogrades. So this is all action. All forward momentum and things will move quickly. We are entering creation mode! And the Universe is starting us off by simply asking us each 'what needs to change?' We are each standing on the edge of a bridge, getting ready to step up and cross over to the New Energies. Practicality says the world is in trouble. The piece of land, the bridge, between the East & West, Ukraine is under siege. Become aware. Spirituality says we are in transformation and that we must see only light. Begin here but do not hide here. Beginning in the stars of Pisces and coming this Spring... find your bridge and begin making your way over to Balance. Be gentle on yourself. Just one step at a time. Welcome to the Bridge. Welcome to March 2022! ART https://www.deviantart.com
For the last month I’ve been seeing the same vision over and over again.
There is a large group of people, all ages, creeds and colours, huddled at the centre of a field. Around them are numerous bond fires raging. I pull out and I see dark figures tending the fires. Human figures all in black. These dark figures are fanning the flames and smoke towards the group of people. I hear ‘Get Down. Focus on the ground. It is clear below the smoke. HOLD ON’. I push my vision out in time. I ask to see Winter. I see the snow fall. I see the smoke clear and the fires begin to die out. I hear ‘The winter’s snow will begin the clearing. Truth will be revealed’ So what does this mean? My guide Peter has told me to take it quite literal. He has said that the fires are everywhere. That the powers that be keep lighting them, so that you cannot see through the smoke. He said it is very important as we move through the Fall, the season of Death, to keep to the ground, to remain focused on what truly matters and to not get lost in the smoke. He tells me that when Winter arrives, the next step in our Transformation will reveal itself. First part was Covid… meant to bring our awareness to our daily lives, routine and individual needs. It was meant to show you your supports. Who supports you? How do you support yourself? What supports are you in need of? Now I DO NOT say this to bring about fear. ABSOLUTELY NOT! In the cards I see choice. In my readings with clients I see everyone begin next year in a place of options, of possibilities and ways out. I see a clarity arrive. I do personally believe the next change will be in the area of Finance and/or technology. I feel that what comes next arrives to support the decisions and hard work we have already done. So many of us are burnt out, overwhelmed and exhausted. Yet we now know, more than ever before what our healthy boundaries are, what we want and what we can NO LONGER accept in our lives. When the Winter arrives, the light will return, the snow will begin to fall and a TRUTH will be revealed and we can all together, in community, set our new destinations, so that we may thrive, grow and be fully in balance as our Spirit soooo craves. Until then, as the days get darker, my advice is not to get lost in the smoke. See the big picture, focus on relationships, on love, on family and yourself. Clear what no longer serves you. Rid your home of what is not healthy or in support of your needs and wants. I’ve been telling my clients that we are in the season of self-reflection and self-care. We must rest. Because once the final cards of 2021 are played and all players are finally revealed, we will have choices to make. HOLD ON. The Light will soon return. Until then, know you are not alone. The intensity is real. But a way out will soon reveal itself. In the sign of Leo, we were in the fires of creation, strong emotions and bold thinking. Now, just before we reach the midpoint of the Zodiac Calendar Year, the Sun moves into the sign of the Virgo and crashes us all back down to earth. Pragmatic perfectionists and hard workers who focus on detail to the point of obsession, the stereotype of the Virgo is true … to a point. The energy of the Virgo Virgin, encourages reality over fantasy. It holds space for calm, for wisdom and a strong sense of self-reliance. The virgin who stands alone holds strength in her quiet ways. Her decisions are well thought out, organised and respectful of others. She attunes herself to everyday living. She focuses on her physical health and the routines that best support her growth. While the Sun illuminates the stars of Virgo, we are asked to come in from the escape we created and to ground ourselves into our daily reality. It is time to focus on what we need to support ourselves for optimal living, which includes mind, body and spirit. In Virgo season you can give yourself permission to care about the small stuff and the details you only notice when you look with care, patience and commitment. Ask yourself, what do you NEED to live a balanced and healthy life? And what do you WANT your reality to look like? Go into the details… And I suggest you take advantage of the frequencies that flow because in only a few weeks, the current will shift and we will be asked to look at our relationships. So right now… OWN YOUR ENERGY! Support it with a healthy routine and details. Then direct it forward fiercely! Because your bright light is needed. Tomorrow’s Full Moon in Aquarius begins a month of some pretty heated energy. 2021 is far from over and our next big lessons are stepping up to the plate. Today, July 23rd, 2021 at 10:36 EDT we have the Full Moon at it’s height, mixing in with the stars of Aquarius, our Water Bearer. Then on August 22nd we again have a Full Moon in the same sign, providing another bang of this freedom loving and independence boasting energy. So what does it all mean? Full Moon is our release point. Let it go… Aquarius represents coming into community, ditching authority and anything that keeps us from owning our own lives. As the second last sign of the zodiac, it’s gone through the self-awareness, the search for truth and the hard work. Now it is ready to bring on the unexpected, the unconventional and the BIG. As the card states, it is time to ‘Show the world the real you’ and these 2 Full Moons will take away anything from you that is no longer serving your highest good and authentic self. I pulled a second card as support (from the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild) and randomly chose card 15-Big Bold Vision. My interpretation… This next month, with the Sun in Leo we are going to feel fire. We are going to feel the heat, the pressure, the push and that Water Bearer energy is then going to come in and wash it all away, perhaps without you even asking. Trust is the name of the game here. You knew it was just a matter of time. This will be a highly emotional month, but unlike July we will not stew in our feelings, rather we will have motivation and momentum supporting us and we will have each other. The limited thinking of some is cracking. Playing safe will no longer work, nor will playing the game. The next 4 weeks support us in Standing Tall, Dreaming Big and in doing it all differently than ever before. August will not be for the weak but it will also not be for the liars, cheats or selfish beings. No lazy, quiet shrinking violets here. No one is hidden. We are in the New Age. Welcome to taking control of your Future. By the end of this week we will have 6 planets in the stars of Aquarius. This area of the sky is known for it’s futuristic energy and the fact we have 6 parts of ourselves, symbolized by planets, heading into the ‘Future’, I decided to look at the role of ancestry at this time. Our global pandemic has killed many of our ancestors and over the last year I have consciously grieved that loss. Within each of our bodies we carry with us the blood of our ancestors. In that we hold memories, traumas, healing practices and traditions. There is good and there is not so good. But why the loss of the old and why now on such a large scale? How will this affect us going forward? The first card I pulled (from the Archangel Metatron Oracle Deck) was card 38 ‘CHAKRA – The light body’. And as a support card (from the Cheryl Richardson Self-Care Deck) I randomly pulled ‘Playfulness’. Below is the message I was told by my guides with reference to the cards. ‘Sweet child focus on light. Light is what you are made of and light is what you should focus on. We understand you grieve the loss of the many physical bodies but please trust that they are no longer needed in physical form on your earth. Many need to heal. Others need to rest and recuperate. Their journeys have been long and difficult and it would be selfish to ask them to remain when they now see they best serve humanity by returning back to the light from hence they came. You are not losing these beings. You are not losing their gifts, knowledge or traditions. These souls are still with you, but now in service on the other side. At this time please be aware that everything you needed from your ancestors is in your light or energetic dna. It is within you. You will take that dna and heal it. How so? By not letting the pains, the traumas and the past limitations keep you back. We ask you to shine brighter than ever before. To acknowledge the pains and then change that energy into light. To heal means that you will no longer allow it to control you or determine your fate. Please understand that what your ancestors came to do, they have done. It is now time to let them go in peace. We ask you now, with the support of the Aquarian energies to turn your focus towards your children. Many of your ancestors have started to come back into these little bodies over the past few years and many more are still to arrive. Your children are truly your future and come with the ‘new’ light dna that will propel your world forward at such a quick speed you will find it hard to believe. But until they are older and ready to do their work, they ask that you play with them. Find joy in them. Laugh with them. FEEL with them. The teachers of your past are now moving away from the physical and into their light bodies. The teachers of the future are taking their awareness of their light bodies and bringing them with them into physical. Play with your children, find joy in that connection. FEEL it and fill your body with it. Your ancestors thank you for hearing them and now ask that you focus on the children. They are the greatest teachers and gifts from the future.” |
March 2022
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